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Recipe: Appetizing Cake with orange

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Cake with orange.

Cake with orange You can cook Cake with orange using 10 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you make that.

Ingredients of Cake with orange

  1. It’s of sugar.
  2. It’s of eggs.
  3. It’s of powdered vanilla.
  4. It’s of greek yoghurt.
  5. It’s of grated orange.
  6. Prepare of orange juice.
  7. It’s of sunflower oil.
  8. Prepare of flour.
  9. You need of baking powder.
  10. Prepare of walnut.

Cake with orange instructions

  1. preheat oven to 180C..
  2. mix the eggs with sugar.
  3. put the powdered vanilla (20gr.), one grated orange peel, sunflower oil and 2 spoons of Greek yoghurt.
  4. mix them.
  5. put the walnuts and one orange juice.
  6. mix them.
  7. put the baking powder and the flour.
  8. mix them again.
  9. put the dough in a cake mould.
  10. cook it for 40 min..

recipe by goccia @cookpad

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