Step by Step to Make Perfect Datemaki roll (Sweet rolled omlet)

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Datemaki roll (Sweet rolled omlet). Datemaki are Japanese sweet rolled omelette made of egg and hanpen. It's typically served as part of osechi ryori during Japanese New Year's celebration. Made with egg and hanpen (fish cake), this sweet rolled omelette (Datemaki) is a delicious complement to your Osechi Ryori menu.

Datemaki roll (Sweet rolled omlet) Secure with rubber bands and cover with plastic wrap. Great recipe for Datemaki roll (Sweet rolled omlet). Datemaki is popular New Year food. You can have Datemaki roll (Sweet rolled omlet) using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you make it.

Ingredients of Datemaki roll (Sweet rolled omlet)

  1. Prepare 4 of eggs.
  2. Prepare 100 g of light puffy cake made of ground fish (hanpen).
  3. It’s 4 tablespoons of sweet sake.
  4. Prepare 2 tablespoons of sugar.

The yellow rolled omelet is Datemaki. It uses light puffy cake Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls With Vermicelli Noodles, Cooked Prawns, Chopped Coriander, Cucumber, Rice Paper Wrappers, Lettuce Leaves. Datemaki is a delicious Japanese rolled omelet traditionally eaten for New Year as part of Osechi Ryori. This easy Datemaki recipe comes together It's also worth noting that one of the distinguishing features of Datemaki is that it is quite sweet, but I don't like it to be cloyingly so.

Datemaki roll (Sweet rolled omlet) instructions

  1. Break the hanpen into small pieces. Put eggs, hanpen, sweet sake and sugar in a bowl..
  2. Stir together all ingredients with a hand mixer..
  3. Heat the oil and pour mixture in a frying pan. Cover and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. When the bottom is cooked brown, cook the other side..
  4. Spread step3 over a makisu..
  5. Roll the omlet while it's hot..
  6. Let it sit and cool until firm. Cut it into thick slices. It's done and enjoy!.
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Date-maki is a sweet rolled omelette and is one of the foods that is served on Japanese New Year. It is easy to prepare by using egg and ground fish meat. Take the omelet out from the pan when it's still hot. Put the omelet on top of a bamboo mat and roll it. Datemaki (sweet rolled omelet with white fish paste called 'surimi') is also a type of Nerimono that is commonly available commercially.

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