DIY Recipe: Appetizing Moistest Microwave Mug Cake..#microwave cooking

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Moistest Microwave Mug Cake..#microwave cooking. If you're looking for a VANILLA version, here is the link to The Moistest Vanilla Mug Cake recipe! This mug cake recipe is delicious! This is the moistest chocolate mug cake you will ever have.

Moistest Microwave Mug Cake..#microwave cooking Mug cakes are great when you're craving a fast solo sweet treat. These easy mug cake recipes are quick to make, easy to clean up, and absolutely decadent. The best part about a mug cake is that it's technically a no-bake dessert. You can cook Moistest Microwave Mug Cake..#microwave cooking using 7 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you make that.

Ingredients of Moistest Microwave Mug Cake..#microwave cooking

  1. Prepare of All purpose flour 5 tbsp (not heaped, just levelled).
  2. It’s 2 1/2 tbsp of Sugar.
  3. You need 1 1/2 tbsp of Cocoa powder.
  4. You need 2 tbsp of Oil.
  5. You need 7-8 tbsp of Milk.
  6. It’s 1/4 of th tsp Baking powder.
  7. It’s of Galaxy chocolate bar 2 pieces.

Since you just pop it in microwave, it's not only super fast (cutting your. The moistest chocolate mug cake you will ever have! It's not spongy like other mug cakes! Yummy Nummy Microwave Mug Cakes — They're fun, simple-to-make, and bursting with flavorful goodness!

Moistest Microwave Mug Cake..#microwave cooking instructions

  1. Start by adding the flour to a wide mouthed mug so that it is easier to mix..
  2. The flour taken should be just levelled tablespoon and not heaped. After that add the cocoa powder..
  3. Next is to add sugar and a pinch of baking soda..
  4. Now add the oil and the milk and mix slowly to get a lump free batter..
  5. Use of milk depends on the quality of the flour. So do not panic. Add an extra tablespoon or more if required.
  6. Transfer this batter to a wide mouthed microwave safe mug for microwaving..
  7. Now comes the interesting part of the addition of two pieces of the galaxy bar. You can take any of your favourite one..
  8. Set the timer to 1 minute on power HIGH and presto!!!!! All is done in just a matter of minute..
  9. This is the proof of how soft the mug cake has turned out. Nothing can be more better than this to satisfy your sweet tooth..
  10. Just see the moistest and the most gooey mug cake ever. Happy Microwaving Everyone..
  11. I have used a 1250 watt microwave for this mug cake. You need to check for the time according to your oven's temperature settings. Therefore it might take a little more or less time accordingly..
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Watch the video for the complete instructions, and be sure to check. This is the moistest eggless microwave chocolate mug cake you will ever have. This is the perfect Mug Cake recipe for that dessert fix or a midnight This Mug Cake recipe is no way dry like other mug cakes. It has an amazing texture to it. This is the best chocolate mug cake I have ever tasted.

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