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How to Make The Best Moist Vegan Carrot Mug Cake

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Moist Vegan Carrot Mug Cake.

Moist Vegan Carrot Mug Cake You can have Moist Vegan Carrot Mug Cake using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Moist Vegan Carrot Mug Cake

  1. It’s of flour.
  2. It’s of carrot, shredded.
  3. It’s of sugar.
  4. It’s of cinnamon.
  5. Prepare of baking powder.
  6. It’s of water.
  7. Prepare of vegetable oil.
  8. Prepare of vanilla extract.
  9. It’s of chopped walnuts (optional).

Moist Vegan Carrot Mug Cake step by step

  1. Mix all the ingredients in your mug of choice until all lumps are gone..
  2. Look in the microwave for 2 minutes..
  3. If it is still a little raw and has some wet batter, cook for another 30 seconds..
  4. Let it cool for 1-2 minutes. Enjoy!.

recipe by Anjelica @cookpad

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