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DIY Recipe: The Best Carmel apple pineapple brown sugared ham

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Carmel apple pineapple brown sugared ham. Place ham on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Place pineapple slices in between the ham slices or simply lay them in the pan around the ham. Sprinkle with the ham with brown sugar and ground cloves.

Carmel apple pineapple brown sugared ham The honey and brown sugar in this recipe combine to create a light caramel sauce that seals in the juices of this ham and creates a slightly sticky coating. You can cook the ham under the broiler for the last few minutes of the cooking time to harden that caramel coating, if desired. While the glaze bubbles away, it's time to get the ham ready for the oven! You can have Carmel apple pineapple brown sugared ham using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Carmel apple pineapple brown sugared ham

  1. It’s 1 of apple cinnamon Ham from walmart.
  2. Prepare 1 can of Carmel apple pie filling.
  3. Prepare 2 cans of pineapple rings with juice.
  4. Prepare 2 handfuls of light brown sugar.

Start by using a sharp knife to score the surface of the ham in a diamond pattern. Rub with mustard and sprinkle with brown sugar. Place the pineapple slices on the ham, securing with toothpicks. Press the cloves into the ham.

Carmel apple pineapple brown sugared ham instructions

  1. First put Ham in baking pan.
  2. Put pinealpple rings on Ham with toothpicks annd reserve juice.
  3. Put can of Carmel apple pie filling on ham.
  4. Brown sugar sprinkled on Ham.
  5. Pour on pineapple juice and bake @ 375° for 2 1/2 he's then cut and enjoy.
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recipe by Amanda @cookpad

Place the ham in a baking dish with the water. Melt apple jelly in the microwave. Brush half of the mustard mixture over the ham. Pour wine or apple juice in the bottom of the pan Add in brown sugar and mustard; stir to blend well. Transfer apple mixture to another dish.

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