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DIY Recipe: Delicious WHIPPED CREAM

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WHIPPED CREAM You can have WHIPPED CREAM using 3 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of WHIPPED CREAM

  1. You need 400 ml of can coconut cream.
  2. Prepare 1 of vanilla bean.
  3. You need of icing sugar (or any powdered sweetener).

WHIPPED CREAM instructions

  1. Put the unopened can of coconut cream in the fridge overnight. Do not shake..
  2. Remove can from fridge. Turn upside down. Open. Pour contents into a bowl..
  3. Cut the vanilla bean in half, lengthways. With a knife, slowly & carefully scrape out the seeds..
  4. Add the vanilla seeds to the coconut cream. Add icing sugar to desired sweetness, taste. I dont like things to be to sweet thats why I haven't put a quantity..
  5. With a whisk, whip the cream mixture until it thickens. Keep in fridge until use. Keeps for couple days..

recipe by VegOut @cookpad

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