vegan ramen with soy milk and seasonal veg ? recipe main photo

Easy Appetizing Vegan Ramen with soy milk and seasonal veg ?

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Vegan Ramen with soy milk and seasonal veg ?.

Vegan Ramen with soy milk and seasonal veg ? You can cook Vegan Ramen with soy milk and seasonal veg ? using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Vegan Ramen with soy milk and seasonal veg ?

  1. You need of Ramen noodles (around a handful per person).
  2. You need of soy milk.
  3. You need of dashi stock (see vegan dashi recipe separately).
  4. You need of shiitake and straw mushrooms.
  5. It’s of 1 tablespoon of miso.
  6. Prepare of Kombu seaweed (optional).
  7. Prepare of nori seaweed.
  8. You need of ginger (optional).
  9. Prepare of veg of your choice (I used carrot and sliced cabbage).

Vegan Ramen with soy milk and seasonal veg ? instructions

  1. Cook the ramen noodles according to instructions. I like them firm and so I add the noodles and bring to the boil, turn off the heat and leave to soak for 5 minute before draining..
  2. Heat the soy milk or ramen stock and add dashi stock, miso and mushrooms. If you wish you can add a little crushed ginger. Heat gently, being careful not to boil as the soup will foam. Taste and add a little more miso or dashI stock to your preference. Heat gently for around 10 minutes..
  3. Add the veg of your choice. I like them to be crispy so I just heat through. Place the noodles in a bowl, add a strip of nori and pour the soup on to the noodles..
  4. You can top the soup with toppings to your taste. Pickles, pickled veg, toasted sesame seeds, garlic or ginger, chilli powder, pickled cucumbers or cooked tofu..
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recipe by Rachel @cookpad

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